Fallout 4 fps mods
Fallout 4 fps mods

fallout 4 fps mods

Kinda sad my fallout 4 looks,plays and feels better overall using the mods than 76 does. An unofficial mod for Skyrim and Fallout 4 allows it to run at uncapped 60FPS and 4K resolution on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

fallout 4 fps mods fallout 4 fps mods

Especially noticble if you flip back and dorth between fo4 and fo76. Find the resolution drop is definitely noticable, but the smoothness the fps boost provides is worth it, but everything does look a bit muddy/like an oil painting. The game looks and plays fantastic with the mod everytjing is crisp clean and looks like anmuch newer game. Im liking the ultra/60 fps more than the fps boost.

Fallout 4 fps mods