Wraith king build dota 2
Wraith king build dota 2

wraith king build dota 2

Kunkka can be deployed as a carry, mid, support. His ultimate alone makes him incredibly dangerous, and a huge asset to his allies going into team fights – if you ever come up against Wraith King, be sure to pick him off quickly and force him into wasting his ultimate, because if used strategically, Reincarnation can be a game-winning skill. He possesses a unique skill, similar to the Aegis called Reincarnation which allows him to rise from the dead. Wraith King boasts high durability and is also capable of dealing tons of damage. Wraith King is another hero who’s incredibly versatile and can feature, to a large extent, across pos one to five – he’s also pretty simple to play so feel free to try him out if you’re new to Dota 2. Moonlight shadow grants her, alongside her teammates invisibility and facilitates high-level stealth play, as it allows her and her allies to ambush their enemies for as long as the ultimate remains active.

wraith king build dota 2

Mirana’s ultimate, Moonlight Shadow is arguably one of the most OP ultimate abilities on Dota 2. Her starstorm ability makes her a great nuker as she’s able to inflict damage on enemies within a certain radius. Like Venge, Mirana is a ranged hero, but she boasts a decent amount of mobility across the map. Mirana can literally be deployed anywhere across position one to five – that alone is a testament to her versatility. It’s a great move for initiating, and also saving an ally, albeit at the potential expense of Venge’s life. Her ultimate, Nether Swap, allows her to swap positions with another ally or enemy. One of the best things about Venge is her ultimate ability – its borderline OP. She’s able to stun opponents with her Magic Missile ability and she’s able to buff the attack damage of her nearby allies, providing her team with a solid advantage when faced with a team fight. She can be deployed as a support or a carry thanks to her wide skill set. Vengeful Spirit, or Venge as many like to call her, is one of the best-ranged heroes in Dota 2 – she’s not an early game hero as she starts off pretty slow but she is still able to make a decent enough impact in the early game and snag some kills.

Wraith king build dota 2